Night Visit – performance storytelling for adults

I had heard my Grandfather’s stories of spirits many times, but the events were so strange, I was never sure if I’d really heard them, exaggerated them, or invented them myself.”

Night Visit

Night Visit is the culmination of my year long residency of performances and research at The Swedenborg Society. This experimental storytelling performance traces the cultural history of spiritualism from the 1800’s when science and photography tried to capture the invisible, to the mass bereavement of two World wars. The search for evidence is contrasted with Swedenborg’s night visits, where he bravely surrendered himself to exploration of  the supernatural, travelling through the cosmos, in search of truth. Biography and myth, merge with history and dream, invoking multiple perspectives, triggering memories, summoning ghosts.

Night Visit has  a sound world composed in surround, and performed by Panos Ghikas improvising live on acoustic and electronic instruments. Images are created and manipulated live by Fotios Begklis. Sound and speech fracture and fuse, narrative and noise cut-up and coalesce, digital images suggest fleeting presences and music conjures metaphysical spaces.

Travel through the night to other worlds, encounter spirits, visit heaven and hell, voyage beyond death, as I entwine stories of my ancestors  experiences of spiritualism, with Swedenborg’s dazzling visions.

Hear a sneak preview of me rehearsing with Panos who is  playing viola and samples, the clip starts with my Grandfather’s voice:

Night Visit sound clip

The premiere of Night Visit is on Saturday October 20, 2012, 7.00 pm.       It is part of The Bloomsbury Festival. The performance is for adults only. Admission is free, but capacity is limited and booking is essential. Please book tickets in advance – from The Bloomsbury Festival  or   The Swedenborg Society –  email:   or call: 0207405 7986.

Night Visit and my Swedenborg Artist Residency is funded by Arts Council England

One Comment

  1. Christmas Greetings & 2012 Roundup « swedenborgsociety

    […] Sally’s artist residency at Swedenborg House. You can read about the performance and listen to a sound clip here. Video clips from the premiere are also available here. Jim Lockey’s Artist in Residence […]

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