Music and stories from the Middle East and the Mediterranean

The Green Note in Camden is a lovely, intimate venue mainly hosting world and folk music. Tellin’ Tales is a new night curated by Elizabeth Nott at The Green Note which combines music with stories.

I will be performing with Akdeniz Trio, three talented female musicians: Kalia Baklitzanaki playing Kaval, Arabi Nay and voice; Shirley Smart playing Cello, and Elizabeth Nott playing Middle Eastern percussion. Akdeniz Trio play music from all corners of the Mediterranean, from Andalucia to Lebanon, Morocco to Turkey.

As this is a concert with four female performers, I want to celebrate the storytelling traditions of the Middle East,  Arabia, and Mediterranean that are filled with the most unexpected and feisty female protagonists – from old crones to  innocent maidens. These are women who understand the power of stories, are not afraid of desire, and will sometimes pursue it at their own peril!

Come and delight in stories drawn from The Arabian Nights and beyond, stories of elaborate tricks and wild romances, wit and wisdom, lust and love, woven through with luscious music.

Saturday 28 October
The Green Note
106 Parkway, London, NW1 7AN
Tickets £9 – £11

Arabian Nights at The Green Note

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