Tales from the Firebird

My third performance as Artist in Residence at The Swedenborg Society is for  children aged 6 and upwards. It will draw on stories about the mystical firebird. The firebird, or phoenix, was created at the beginning of time, has magic powers, helps those in trouble, and never dies. At the end of its life, it bursts into flames, and a new bird is born from the ashes. The firebird is a re-occurring image in myths and fairytales throughout the world, is known by many names, and found in many cultures. This eternal image has not lost its hopeful meaning of renewal, and seems even more relevant today, when we need courage, and the sense that change is  possible.

Catching a feather from the Firebird – Russian illustration by Mikhail Parilov 1953

My performance brings together sources about the firebird from Russia, the Middle East, Ancient Egypt, Central Asia, and China. The firebird will appear as helper, creator, instigator, alongside bold girls, a speaking horse, and a kind and faithful servant. But will the firebird survive when it is captured by an evil king? And what happens when the terrible dust demon appears?

My tales will combine dynamic spoken word with unusual musical instruments and strange sounds evoking other worlds. The performance is suitable for children aged 6 and upwards  and  their adults. Come and catch a glimpse of the firebird!

 Tales from the Firebird
Saturday 14 July 2012, 2.00pm
The Swedenborg Society,
20-21 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2TH
Doors open 1.30pm for a 2.00pm start
The performance lasts about 60 minutes,
and refreshments will be served afterwards.
Admission is free.
Reserve tickets in advance as the hall has a limited number of seats.
Email: nora@swedenborg.org.uk
Phone: The Swedenborg Society – 0207405 7986.


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