How do you get an audience in the right mood to listen to a story?

Telling stories with Cat Weatherill

40 Winks is a house that was built in 1717.  David Carter has transformed it into a magical hotel, and an occasional venue for wonderful events. For his ‘Bedtime Stories’ the audience change into nighties and pyjamas, and clutching their teddies and feather boas, drink cocktails and float about the house. The audience listen to performances from two guest storytellers over the night, chosen by curator Rachel Rose Reid. The evening ends with music and songs. The combination of skin, soft lights, and exquisite surroundings allow the audience to suspend their disbelief and enter the world of story. So by the end of the evening, they have shed their everyday lives and awakened the imaginations they had as children. Of course no one wants to leave! And putting on layers of clothes seems absurd!

My shadow theatre

I was there in November, with storyteller Cat Weatherill. I performed with my teeny, tiny shadow theatre, a reproduction from 1860. An idea I want to develop.  Thanks to Stephanie Wolff for these photos, have a look at all her images of the night.

Lilly in the shadows

The next ‘Bedtime Story Nights’ are on 15 and 16 December. I will be one of the guest storytellers, along with Nell Phoenix.  I will tell a big snowy wonder tale, my version of  ‘The White Bear King’.  And the music will be by the wonderful Helen Chadwick.

For details and bookings, email:

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