The White Bear King

My first performance as Artist in Residence  at The Swedenborg Society will be a Christmas performance for children aged 6 and upwards on Saturday 10th December at 2.00pm at Swedenborg Hall.

The White Bear King is a mysterious and magical Scandinavian wonder tale. It has a polar bear and a princess, trickery and trolls, frost and fire. It takes the audience on a snowy journey with the princess, as she bravely travels through ice and snow, up a glass mountain, to set the white bear free. But can the princess undo the terrible Troll Hag’s spell? This story gives you scary shudders, ripples of laughter, and a warm heart.

The White Bear King- llustration by Theodor Kittelsen 1912

The performance combines dynamic spoken word with unusual musical instruments and strange sounds, evoking other worlds and other times, creating a sense of wonder. The performance is suitable for children aged 6 and upwards and their adults! Come and celebrate the start of Christmas and visit this very special venue.

Date: Saturday 10 December 2011

Address: The Swedenborg Society, Swedenborg Hall, 20-21 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2TH

Doors open: 1.30 pm for a 2.00 pm start.

The performance lasts: about 60 minutes, and refreshments will be served afterwards.


Please reserve tickets in advance as the hall has a limited number of seats.

Please email:

Or phone: The Swedenborg Society – 0207405 7986.

Click here for more details on the event.

This performance  is funded by Arts Council England

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