Renaissance Night at the National Gallery

I have been commissioned by The National Gallery to create a performance for their Renaissance Night, part of Museums at Night 2011, where museums throughout the country are opening late and holding special events.

The National Gallery are hosting a night of Renaissance Revelry on Friday May 13 from 5pm – 8pm with candlelit Renaissance music, gallery talks, life-drawing, guided tours, and my promenade performance.

I will take the audience through several galleries, bringing to life Greek and Roman myths beloved by Renaissance artists, and unraveling the mysterious allegorical world inside the paintings. Audiences are encouraged to come dressed in Renaissance costume!

Storytellers have always performed with painted scrolls, drawings, pictures hung between trees, and images deep inside caves. The painting is a focus and backdrop for the performance, as the teller embroiders and expands on the images, conjuring them in the listener’s imagination. In many parts of the world this tradition continues. I have found it both inspiring, and an honour, to research and create a performance for exquisite and iconic paintings by Titian, Bronzino, Veronese,  and Tintoretto. And to explore new ways of bringing this ancient form of storytelling into the present.

telling stories with Babylonian stone frieze

Renaissance Tales for children aged 7 upwards and adults.

Friday 13 May 6 – 7pm for my performance – other events start from 5pm.

For more info and booking contact The National Gallery.

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