Night Visit
Night Visit
Sally Pomme Clayton – Story
Panos Ghikas – Sound
Fotis Begklis – Multimedia
“I’d heard my Grandfather’s stories of spirits many times,
but the events were so strange, I was never sure if I’d really heard them,
exaggerated them, or invented them myself.”

Travel through the night, encounter spirits, visit heaven and hell, voyage beyond death. Night Visit merges biography and myth, history and dream, invoking multiple perspectives, triggering memories, summoning ghosts. Sally Pomme Clayton tells tales of her families’ experiences with spiritualism, interweaving recordings of her grandfather’s voice with her own voice. She traces the cultural history of spiritualism from the 1850’s, when science and photography tried to capture the invisible, through the mass bereavement of two World wars. Sally Pomme contrasts her family’s search for evidence, with the dazzling visions of 18th century mystic, Emmanuel Swedenborg. His daring ideas are conjured in poetic fragments, where he bravely surrenders himself to exploration of the supernatural, travelling through the cosmos, in search of truth.

Night Visit is innovative and immersive. The sound world is composed in surround, and performed by Panos Ghikas improvising live on acoustic and electronic instruments. Stunning images are created and manipulated live by Fotios Begklis. Sound and speech fracture and fuse, narrative and noise cut-up and coalesce, images suggest fleeting presences and conjure metaphysical spaces.
Panos Ghikas is a composer, performer, and producer. He creates diverse music, from avant-pop band The Chap, to exploring composition and improvisation with his label Migro Records.
Fotios Begklis is a digital film-maker and multimedia developer creating interactive multimedia. He is a Learning Technologist at Imperial College University exploring innovative uses of technology.

Night Visit was developed and premiered at The Swedenborg Society in October 2012. It was funded by Arts Council England. Performances of Night Visit are available for booking. The performance is for adults only, and lasts 70 minutes straight through. Email for details.

Download the free Night Visit App:
App for PC – needs up-dated flash to play.