Greek myths – Stories of Sun, Stone and Sea

Greek myths – Stories of Sun, Stone and Sea has just come out in a new edition as part of Frances Lincoln’s ‘The Classics’ series. It has a stunning new cover by illustrator Jane Ray.

Greek Myths -  Stories of Sun, Stone and  Sea by Sally Pomme Clayton and Jane Ray. Frances Lincoln 2014 edition
Greek Myths – Stories of Sun, Stone and Sea by Sally Pomme Clayton and Jane Ray. Frances Lincoln 2014 edition

I am very proud that the book is part of The Reading Agency’s summer reading challenge which has the theme of myths this year.  Children can win a copy Greek Myths, along with two more of Frances Lincoln’s fairytale collections, by drawing a scene from their favourite myth or fairytale.  Follow this link , for all the details. Then get out your crayons and pens. I would like to see: the prince hacking his way through Sleeping Beauty’s forest of thorns; Russian witch Babayaga riding on her pestle and mortar; or maybe you could choose one from my book – Pegasus flying higher and higher until he turns into a constellation of stars. I hope I might even get to see what stories children do draw.

If you are an adult you can still do some drawing – and buy the book here! I will be performing stories for children from the book in the coming months and will keep you informed.

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