Storytellers need spaces

Cafes  and caravansaries,
palaces  and courtyards,
tents  and inns,
theatres  and concert halls,
kitchen tables and Persian carpets,
gardens  and summer houses,
cellars  and balconies,
galleries  and  churches,
salons  and bedrooms….. Storytellers need spaces!

telling stories in ancient Iran
telling stories in the palaces of Ancient Iran

I am known for getting into a space and rearranging it! I know which wall my back should be against, which wall would work best for the audience to dream upon, to project the images that appear in their imaginations, onto. The shape of the seats, the position and distance of the stage or performing area, can make a huge  difference to how much I can contact an audience and bring them together, how far I can travel into the story and how far they can come with me. The lights can be too dazzling, and not allow a dreaming state. My aim is for the audience to become one big ear. And within that collective listening, each is free to go on their individual journey into the story, and the thoughts, emotions and meanings, the story arouses.

Arranging the space and seating, getting the lights right, is something I do in any space. From a bare classroom to a black box theatre. It is part of my meditation towards the performance. It is lovely when an organization or venue understands the importance of this process, give it time and support, and allow me to take control of what I need to make the magic possible!

The Crick Crack Club have been working hard to find new spaces throughout the UK, collaborating with venues and developing new audiences. Their latest mission is to create a ‘Fabularium’!  A portable space that would give the atmosphere and silence needed for a storytelling performance, but could travel the country, taking performance storytelling to places where there are no venues. Find out more about the Fabularium here.

The Crick Crack Club have already raised considerable funds, but need to raise the last bit to make this space possible. If you, or anyone you know, can contribute some money – please pass the details of the Fabularium on.

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